Monday, January 17, 2011

New Clinic, Live and Dried Blood Analysis!

Hello everyone,

I hope you have all had an opportunity to have a rest over Christmas and spend time with loved ones!
I also hope you are all in good health and motivated and focussed on staying that way!
I am back in Melbourne, and back in the clinic at a new location!

It's this time of year I am inundated with requests for detox, cleanses and weight loss programmes!
Summer is a great time to make changes and introduce healthy lifestyle habits that will affect and change your life
not just for now,  but for a long, healthy and energetic future. Come in and get back on track!!!  You don't have to present with symptoms or feel sick to make an appointment. Infact, getting into the habit of assessing your health at least once a year while you are healthy is the best way to stay healthy. It is also a great way to gain body awareness to be able to identify changes or 'dis'ease early.

Naturopathic consultations will address all areas of your life, and will be tailored to suit you personally.  Common areas that will be thoroughly assessed include: Energy, stress levels, sleep, diet and nutrition, allergies and sensitivities, digestive health, women's health, men's health, immune health, detoxification, weight management and fertility etc.....just to name a few!

Various techniques are used to assist in your treatment plans including:
  • In depth Nutritional consultations and programmes
  • Nutritional supplementation where necessary
  • Herbal medicines and Herbal teas
  • Australian bush flower essences and Bach flower remedies
  • Celloid mineral and colloidal mineral supplementation
  • Homoeopathic remedies and homoeopathic preparations
  • Iris analysis to identify strengths and vulnerabilities and strength of your constitution
  • Lifestyle planning, advice and support
  • Microscopic Live and dried Blood analysis to assess your health right here and right now! 
  • A safe and confidential place for you to work on you

Live and Dried Blood Analysis
As many of you know I was away in California for the last 6 months completing further training and an internship 
with Dr. Robert Young , at The pH Miracle Centre. It was definitely an intense learning environment, where I was taught extensive techniques
of both live and dried blood. The power of seeing your blood is inspiring and motivating to make changes to your diet and lifestyle. I had the privilege to watch it transform many lives. I will be taking appointments for blood analysis very soon! So stay tuned!!!!!

New clinic address
I am working from a new location in the heart of St.Kilda Rd.
The new address is: 

517 St.Kilda Rd, Melbourne, Level 5, Suite 6
(Cnr Commercial and St.Kilda Roads)
M: 0402 071 685

Give me a call to make an appointment today for you, a friend or a family member!

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Love and blessings

Niki Angelopoulos

Friday, October 15, 2010

Is There A Need For Hydrochloric Acid In The Stomach?

An article by Dr. Robert Young

Recently Dr. Joseph Mercola made several statements concerning the negative affects of drinking alkaline water.

According to Dr. Mercola drinking alkaline water is of no value because it will be minimized by the hydrochloric acid of the stomach. 

That's exactly the point Mercola! You want to minimize the hydrochloric acid residues in the stomach!!!! 

Of course what Mercola does not explain is the biochemistry of the digestive system and especially the stomach. The facts are that for every molecule of hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach an equal amount of sodium bicarbonate is produced by the cover cells. The equation is as follows: NaCl + H20 + CO2 = NaHCO3 + HCL.

The stomach pulls sodium, chloride, water and carbon dioxide to make sodium bicarbonate, an alkalizing compound with the waste product of hydrochloric acid. 

The stomach will always produce sodium bicarbonate to alkalize the food we eat or the liquids we drink to prepare the food and drink for biological transformation into stem cells in the crypts of the small intestine. The more acidic the food or drink the more sodium bicarbonate will be produced to buffer the acids of the food or drink. This of course leaves you with a belly full of acid which leads to all sorts of stomach disorders including the acidifying of the blood and then tissues.

The stomach does not need to produce any sodium bicarbonate when we are eating or drinking alkalizing foods or alkaline drinks, including electron rich alkaline water. 

The key here to remember is this: the stomach is NOT an organ of digestion but an organ of contribution and its main contribution is to alkalize the food and drink we ingest. 

You want to drink electron rich alkaline water to neutralize or buffer the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. 

The stomach is NOT an organ of digestion but an organ designed to alkalize the acids from food and metabolism. 

Bottom-line the best thing you can do to support the stomach is to drink electron rich alkaline water with a pH of at least 9.5 or better. You will be preventing serious stomach disorders and preparing the food and drink for its ideal pH in the small intestine at 8.4 for biological transformation into stems cells in the crypts of the small intestine.

My best advise is to drink at least 1 liter of 9.5 pH alkaline electron rich water for every 50 pounds of weight. You will be hydrating, alkalizing and energizing your body. There is nothing more important than drinking alkaline electron rich water other than the oxygen you breath.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Alkaline By Design!

Our bodies are alkaline by design and acidic by function.  The body will strive to maintain an alkaline balance and homeostasis and do whatever it takes to keep the blood at a pH of 7.365. When the body/blood remains in a slightly alkaline state we are free from disease and illness. We are also preserving the body and limiting it's need to leach out alkaline minerals from other places such as bones to neutralise the acids produced by our diet, environment and lifestyles.  When the blood pH drops below this we put ourselves in a state of acidosis which predisposes us to being sick.

By eating a highly alkalinising diet with a basis of greens, vegies, healthy oils, nuts and seeds we can live in harmony and function at a higher level of optimal health physically, spiritually and emotionally.  Highly acidic individuals are often disconnected, confused, have foggy thinking, feel lethargic, unmotivated, and will often procrastinate and make excuses about choosing health to avoid disease.

Transitioning to an alkaline diet can take some time if you are not faced with serious health challenges, and it doesn't have to be boring, bland or difficult. In fact, once you learn the basic principles, and have an understanding of the foods, you will realise it's actually quite easy to follow.....and by this stage you will have felt the incredible benefits of living this way and you will never look back.

A question I am often asked is: Do I have to do the full programme?
My answer to you is: That depends on you and how healthy you want to be.

Education is the key element here. Empower yourself on the basic principles of health and you too will reap the rewards and want to share it with all your friends and family.

The movement toward health awareness in the community has increased drastically, and I am so pleased to see many new restaurants popping up that are only buying organic and offering vegan and vegetarian options.  This will continue to happen as the world shifts to a plant based diet.

If you are hesitant or have questions that is great. Now is the time to educate yourself and learn about health prevention. You can choose to invest time to live healthily right now, or make time to be very sick in the future.
Dr. Robert O. Young shares 3 important insights into why everyone needs to read his latest book and how it will affect your health. Dr. Robert Young has over 27 years experience saving people's lives around the world. His latest book, : The PH Miracle- updated" has more recent research.

The choice is yours!

Love to you all!

Monday, October 11, 2010


Hi everyone,

We have had a brilliant day today sharing the new biology of the pH Miracle programme with the Braveheart Women's group.  They have been learning about alkalising, and living the alkalarian programme, AKA the pH Miracle programme.

We have had wonderful cooking demonstrations and lectures, not to mention a feast....that I am so full!
Braveheart Women celebrates women and their achievements. It is a place where all women can join and inspire or choose to be inspired!

We had 60 beautiful ladies here today, and it was an absolute pleasure to spend the day with them.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Come back sunshine!'s been a few days since I've written, and the sun seems to have gone away apparently the weekend should be better! Other than that, all is well here.

I am working hard, and being challenged but still loving it. I am working with cancer patients, type 1 diabetics and an ALS patient at the moment.  ALS is a motor neurone disease where the body eventually loses muscle function due to the nerves dying. It is a terrible disease that is given a guaranteed death sentence by the medical world. We are working hard and intensely to try and slow the progression of the disease as well as provide quality of life.  If you are more interested in ALS you can take a look at the following link:

Let me know how you're all doing at home. Miss you all!

I also have some new and exciting recipes you may be interested in. I will post them in a few days so stay tuned!

Love niki, x

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Safety of Sunscreens and Vitamin D3

Skin cancer is prevalent due to highly acidic diets and lifestyles. It's not something we catch, it's something that develops as a result of the way we live. If you can't eat it without being poisoned, it's why would you put that on your skin, which sweats in the sun and has a further chemical reaction with potential side effects that are unknown. In fact, some ingredients in sunscreen are cancerous themselves. Highly acidic bodies, release many toxins when we sweat, which are burnt onto the skin potentially giving rise to cancer. Being sensible in the sun is important. Use a Natural sunscreen with the only ingredient being 'zinc oxide', hydrate well, and eat an alkaline diet. We NEED Vitamin D3 for a healthy immune system, energy as well as a precursor to other nutrients in the body....Not to mention it is an important anti-cancer nutrient! Get some early morning or late afternoon sun on your skin!