Friday, September 24, 2010

The Safety of Sunscreens and Vitamin D3

Skin cancer is prevalent due to highly acidic diets and lifestyles. It's not something we catch, it's something that develops as a result of the way we live. If you can't eat it without being poisoned, it's why would you put that on your skin, which sweats in the sun and has a further chemical reaction with potential side effects that are unknown. In fact, some ingredients in sunscreen are cancerous themselves. Highly acidic bodies, release many toxins when we sweat, which are burnt onto the skin potentially giving rise to cancer. Being sensible in the sun is important. Use a Natural sunscreen with the only ingredient being 'zinc oxide', hydrate well, and eat an alkaline diet. We NEED Vitamin D3 for a healthy immune system, energy as well as a precursor to other nutrients in the body....Not to mention it is an important anti-cancer nutrient! Get some early morning or late afternoon sun on your skin!


  1. Well said Niki! Totally in agreement with you.
    Have you heard the latest about the dangers in using some of the new zinc creams that have nano technology used on them to make the zinc so small it sinks into your skin (so it's not visible)? Apparently the zinc being so small and easily absorbed into our cells is dangerous. I haven't looked into this yet, but I believe there's been a recall on some natural sun screens containIng this zinc.
    Also, higher levels of zinc & vitamin c in our diets help protect our skin from sun. damage - why aren't we taught these things in high school? Basic nutritional
    survival!! Careful though, too much zinc is not good for us.
    Love your work Niki, thankyou!

  2. Hi Lulu, Thanks for your comments. Yes, am aware of nano technology, very scary! I believe invisible zinc creams are the worst, but I will need to look further into this!

    I also completely agree with you regarding education in schools regarding basic health and nutrition. We should be able to obtain all our nutirtional requirements from a predominantly green plant based diet, avoid deficiency states and 'dis' ease!

    Thanks for following!

